Posts for : September 2023

Why Buy a Canoe from Us?

CALL Tom Roller or Tyler Suter at for details today. 1-800-223-6565. You can shop our current selection of Canoes online here. We take canoes seriously around here in Ely. They are the transportation…

Boundary Waters Poetry: Driftwood

Driftwood Sometimes, through the mist,I can see the lichen advancing.Creeping across granite slabsgreening in the shadows,transposing the hours andyears intomomentslostin the changingof the guardwhere dawn leaves thedeepest, thickest darknessbehind and…

New Boundary Waters Poems

Photos by our canoe trip Guides, Tim Barton, James Ehlers and Nick Jones. Into the Sun Summer days roll onunder the canoes.We push against the hourstrying tohold back the colorsreturningthrough…